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2 7 The Evil of Evils ) or the rhave a.temptation comes, and you fall upon the Sin, and aCt it ; the Sin; the act of it, is tranfient andquicklygone , the guilt that flicks to you Whena man orwoman path fatisfied their luf ina finfizl way, theguilt flicks behind : may be the time is gone for the pleafureof it; it was perhaps vefterday, or filch a night or time thou hadeft thepleafureofit, but now the fin isgone the pleafure of it, but the guilt fricks, and that abides upon thy Spirit to all eternity if thou look not to it. Nay,certainly it muff flickupon the Spirit, it is not in the powerofan Creature inheaven or in earth todeliver theefrom it: yea the guilt fo remains, that though thou feel it not now forthe prefent, it may hick terriblely many years after. But Afilidion is terrible only for the prefent, not for afterward; but guilt and fin laies .a foundation of Mifery for many years after. Nay, many times it is grievous painful to theSoul long after it is committed: as it was in 7ofephs Brethren, we reade of them that theycommitted that great Sin againf their Brother, and it troubled themnot a great while;'. but twenty two years after when they were in an affii&ion, then the guilt of their fin comes a frech, Oh then we finnedagainf' our Brother; when they were in prifon there : now itwas twenty two years from the time they commit- ted that fin to that time when they were in trouble there. So you that have committed finand think force flight forrow may wafh it a- way, know the guilt may abide upon your fpi- i rits perhaps twenty, may be forty years after. And