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exceeding Sinfilnef? of Sin. '27i Andyou that areyong take heed andknow that fin is more evil than any afllielion, for the fin that youcommit when you are yong in your Mailers Families,the guilt may abide upon you, and youthful fins may prove ages terror. ;It' maybewith youaswith aman that gets abruit, whenhe is yonghe feels it not, but whenhe is old than it-ach in hisbones, andputs himto ter- rible painmany times ; fo many yong people feel not finwhen their blood is hot, but after- ward, the guilt of fin abides upon them, and is the torment of their fouls when their bloud is cold. Nowwhat evil is there in tirì that maydo' a man mifchief perhaps twenty or fortyyears hence. As it-is with, force poyfon , there are forre poyfons-men-have skill in, that they can givepoyfon thall'not work in three or four, per- haps not till feven yearsafterward, andyet they know_.certainly, That ifthat man be not cut off before- ( except God work extraordinarily) he fhall'dye at the feven years end of that poifon he took feven years before. -So fin is fuch a` thing that it wil'doa ntana mifchiefmany years after. Again, Theguilt of fin hath this evil further in it, which appears in that differencebetween men that come to fuffer with guilt, and thofe that come to fuffer without guilt : Take them that have come to thet-noll grievous fufferings in theworld; and had not theguilt of fin upon their Confciences, who had all deer between God and their fouls; their fufferingsbe joyful, and they can rejoice in tribulationand troubles, as