276 The Evil ofEvils Cr the as theMartyrs in Perfecution, how did they re- Joyce andglory in their fufferings ? with what a Spirit of magnanirnitiedid theycome to their fufferings ? But take thofe who fuffer through guilt, as Malefa&ors, when theycome to fuffer, what fhame and confufion is upon them ! Thus iflliCion is nothing to them that have noguilt, but thofe that have theguilt of fin upon them when they come to fuffer their guilt is a thou- fand times more than their afliction. There is a great deal of difference between a manguilty oftreafon when he come to fuffer for it, there is fhame and confu'ìon, and difnml darknefs in the fpih it where there is guilt but let one be accufed for treafon, orany fuch horriblecrime, and noguiltupon the fpirit, inch a onecan go on with joy, and comfort, andpeace; whatfo- ever can be done to him is very little or no- thing when guilt is removed. The truth is,there is no fuffering cancountervail the fuffering that guilt makes. The guilt makes the fuffer- ing evil, otherwife not. If one man come up- on another man with fuffering , it is nothing without guilt; fo it is true, when God comes it is nothingif God and we be at peace : but now whenGod comes with any fuch afliic`fion as the veryaflliaion (hall have the markof the fin up- on it, and fo fhall fur upConfcience toaccule youforit, then the heart is ready to finkwhen the affli.fion (hall bear`thename of the fin toge- therwith it. I remember the difference of .Da- vidsSpirit at feveral times ; one time,though as Hoff incatopeabout trse, et sill .Inotfear, and though I walk