Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding SinfulnefS of Sin. walk in the valleyoftheJhadow ofdeath.,. Iavillfear no evil; Pfd. 23. Another time he is afraid when he flies from Abfolon ; and when there was a breachbetween Godand his foul, whenhe had brought, guilt upon his fpirit, then David was quicklycooled; and upon any occafionoftrou- ble, David was quickly frightened. This is a feventh thingwherein fin apprs to be a grea- ter and moreevil thing than Affiidion, becaufe it makes the foul guiltie beforeGod. CHAP. XXXI. Eighthly, -Sin is agreater evil toman thanapt:lion) becaufe it's that which put the Creature under the SentenceofCondemnation. EIghthly, Sin is a greater evil than Affli&i- on, Beéaefe it is that which puts the Creature under the Sentence ofCondemnation, and fo makes more againfs the goodofman than any alittion can do. For apoor Creature to feehimfelffiand before the great Judgofall theWo.rld,and have the SentenceofCondemnátion come out againfi him; this is a greater evil than to haveany af- flietion that all the Creatures of Heaven and Earth could bring uponhim. As now, take a Ma'efa&or that is to ffard before Mans judg- ment Seat, and to receiveSentence ofCondeni- nation; is not this a greater evil untohim than if D d he 277