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278 The Evil ofEvils, Or the he [hould hear of lofs inhis eftate,than i fhe had ficknefs in his bodie, any pain in his limbs; to [tand thus to receive the Sentence, he looks upon it as agreater evil than poffibly canbefal him in this world otherwise. Put then, when the foul [sal fee it fell (land before the infinite glorious, eternal frid Eeing of all things, and looksupon God fitting upon his Tribunal pat- tingSentence c ternal Death upon him; this is another manner ofevil than any ath iétion and fuffering that can befal him. But now, know there is not ang one fin that thous ecmmitteft ( but ifyou look upon it as in it felt) God fits, 1 fay, upon his Trone, and paffeth Sentence of death upon thee for it as really as ever he will do at the great day of Judgment ; it is done now as reallyand as truly in this world as ever it [hall be at theday ofJudgment, only here is the difference, then it is irrecover. ble ; nay, (hall' 1 fay it cannot be recalled here ; no, cer- tainly it [hall.not, only it maybe tranfmirted to Chri[t, he mull bear it,he tnu[t have.the fentéce; fo that it is not properly recalled, God doth not as a judg that pá[leth Sentence, and after- wardnullifies it : no, but God paffethSentence and condemns the finner; only Chriftcomes in and takes the Sentence upon hrmfelf; fo that the Sentence goeth onmill, only it istransferred from one perfon to another; Christ comes in, and he puts on the Sentence ofCondemnation for thee that haft it gaffed againíl thee, fo that the Sentence isnot properlynullified, but tranI fared toChris : Ecclef.3.i z. faith the tent there Fecaufe i