Exceeding Sinfdneß of Silt. 279 BecaufeSentence againfi anevil Workienotfteed4ex- cooed, therefore the heart of thefon: ofmenareflit, fa in them to do evil. (Mark) theSentencea gainfi;_an evil work is not fpeedilieexecuted : fo that it appears there is a Sentence againtt every evil work : The Sentence is out Brethren; thou goeft arid art drunk, or to the commifiion offuch a fin, I fay, prefentlie the tentence of death is clapt upon thee, theSentence is out a- gainft all fanners : You fee men go on and live in profperitie a great while in the world ; but theybeunder the Sentenceall the while, fin is not removed by the blood of Chrift, and all the comforts(I befeech you obferve that ) that any man or woman have in the world that are in theirnatural condition, andare not delivered fromCondemnation byChrifl, they are all but juf asmeatand drink, and force refrethmments" that aregrantnd to a condemnedMalefa&tor be- foreExecution. Suppose a Malefa&or is con- demned, but now Execution is not till two or three daies after; in that (pace oftimehe hath granted unto him libertie to have meat and drink, and friends come tohim , and he may re- frefh himfelfin thole two or three daies ; but he bath forfeited all his Eftate, and the tenure nowupon which he holds any comfort, it is not the fame which he had before, but meerly through the bountie ofthe Prince it is that he bath comforts. So here, wicked men have committedfin, and the Sentenceofdeath is out againft them, and they have forfeited all the comforts oftheir eflates, andoftheir lives, only Dd a God