The Evil ofEvils, Or the God in patience grants Ur' bp them fore out- ward comforts here a few daies before Executi- on and upon this tenure do all wicked men hold their Eftates : I will not fay that every wickedman is an Ufurper of their Eftates, as fore perhaps have held, that they have noright at all beforeGod; fore right he hush, as you cannot fay a Malefa&or bathno right (whenhe iscondemned) tomeat anddrink before Exe- cution; he hath right to what is given to him of Donation and Bountie, but not that right whichhehad before : So I fay, for wickedmen that haveEliates in this world, they have a kind ofright to that they have; but how ? Juli that right that a condemned man bath tohis dinner or fupper before Execution ; this is the right of wicked men to theirEftates ; that is, Godofhis bountie grants a little while before Execution they than have afew comforts to them in this world : And this is the evil of fin, and the leaft fin, there isnot any one fin, but the fruit ofit is Condemnation. And Brethren, you muff not miftake, to think that wicked men are never condemned until they come before God in the day of Judgment ; they be condemned here, markthat, John, 3.18. He that beleeves not k con- demned already : now condemned, not hereafter, but acondemnedmanalready : this is a fad con- dition indeed. Ifa man had the Sentence of death fo paft that thewhol Parliament couldnot help him, you would think that man in a fad condition. Now let me (peak it, and God (peaks it to the confcienee of every linnet ; I fay,