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Exceeding Sinu!neJ ofSin. 2$I fay, thou that ftandefi before God in any one fin, and not delivered through the bloodof his SonChrift, thou ftazdefl fo under the Sentence ofcondemnation, as all theCreatures in Heaven and Earth cannot help and deliver thee, thou muft have fore help beyond the helpofall the Creatures inHeaven and Earth to deliver thee : WhenPaulwould comfort the Saints againft all troubles and aflii&ions they meet withal, ftorn.ii. he begins thus, There is nocondemnation to them in Chaff 7efus : as ifhe fhould fay, this is the com- fort, no Condemnation. If t know I am deli- vered from theSentence ofCondemnation, let what will fall out l< am well enough; but this be fure of there is Cordetnnation to thole that ;ate not in Chrift. I remember Luther had this Speechwhenhe hadgot afiùrance ofpardon of fin, that hewas freedand abfolved by Cod ; he cries out, Lord ftrike, Lord, now ftrike, for l am abfolved from my fins, thou haft delivered me from fin ; now ftrike, now let anyaff,icion befal that pofîiblycan ; let never fo much trou- ble .attend 1 am abfolved from fn; now Lord ftrike. This is theEighth, Sin is moreoppo ite againft thegoodof man than AflliCtion, for it brings them under theSentenceofCondemna- tion. intioVVVVIII,AVIA9VVM CH A P.