Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

TRE CONTENTS. Chap. .3 t Eightly, Sin isagreater evil to man than .Afiition, becaufeit's that whichput the Creature under the Sentence ofCondemnation. 277 Chap 32 Ninthly, Sin is agreater evil to man than affliE ion, becaufe it breats the 'Union between godand the Soul. 282 Chap. 33 Tenthly, Sin is more againft mans good than .AffliEion, for that it'firs up allin Cod to comea- gainftafanner inway cfenmity. 285 Chap 34 XI. Sin is more oppo1to to mans good than affliEfion,forthatfinmalesall theCreatures ofgod atenmitywitha'inner. 288 Chap. 35 X II. Sin isagreater evil to man than af- fliEhoiz, becaufe itputs a man under the Curfe of Clod. 291 Chap. XI I I. Sin it the Seed of'EternalsEvil, therefore more hurtful to man than affliEtion. An Ufe thereof, Then fee that thofe men are deceived that think toprovidewellfor themfelves byfan. 29 The 'Mini- flry oftheWord isfor our good, as well as Cods glory. 293 Chap. 37 XIV. Sin is worfethanaffliEIion,becaufe ithardens theheart againfl;god, andthemeans ofgrace. 297 Chap. 3g XV. Sin is worje tous than affl Efion, be- caufefinbrings moreJbame thanoffiiEfion 303 Chap. 39 `He thatfins, wrongeth, defjifeth, andha- teth his own,Soul. We .1 Then fee the malicioufnel that is infan. Life 2 To piety ,thofe thatggo on infanful wayes. Ute 3 Letfanbe dealthárdiya ath. 308 THE THIRD PART. Chap: 40 Sin isoppofite to all good, and therefore a c _eater evil than any af}lahtion, opened in five things' r Sin takeaway theexcellency of all things : 2 It brings aCurje