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oappowdo 282 The Evil of Evils, or the WMAWAftAAIAtttMtttAtAX CHAP. XXXII. Ninthly, Six it agreaterEvil t9mum than 4fliClion, becaufe it breaks the 'Union between God and the Sod. Inthly, Sin isa greater evil thanAfBi&ion in this, In that it is the very thing that breaks the between Godand the Soul It is that Both it, andno Afhidiondoth it. Now Brethren, this I confers might fecal to be lefs than that of Hatred, and might have come be-. fore it; but now I bring it in here,That it breaks theUnion betweenGod and the Soul, Ifa. 59. 2. Tour Sinshavefeparated between you andyour God Weare to know, TheSouls of men are capable ofa verynear andhigh UnionbetweenGod and them;, the more fpiritual any thing is, themore power bath it toUnite, and themore neer the Union : As thus, Thebeams ofthe Sun becaufe they be very fpiritual, they can Unite a thou fand of them into one Point as it were; but groffer things cannot foUnite themfelves toge- ther. SoBrethren, God being a Spirit,and our SoulsbeingSpirits, they come to be capableof a molt neer Commuion one with another. And the Souls of men are neerer a glorious Union withGod, in this regard more neer than any Creature but the Angels. Becaufe the Obje&of mans