Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding sinfuI zefs' of Sin. 283 mans Underftanding is not any particular truth, but Veritas, truth ingeneral, truth it Pelf in the whole latitude is the Obje&ofmansUnderftan ding. So theObje&of mans Will , Is not this good, or that good in particular; but Bonitos, good ingeneral, in the full latitude of it. It is not fo with other Creatures, they have their Obje&s in fotne particular thing, in fuch a limit andcompafs, and they can work no further, nor hther. Put it is otherwife with mans Soul, God hath made man in fuch a kind, that the Obje& of his Soul should be Truth and Goodnefs' in the full latitude, in the infinitnefs of it, take it in the utmolI extent that canbe, yet (till it is the Objet of the Soul of man. Now hence it is that theSoul ofman is of fuch a wonderful larg extent, even capableof Godhimfelf, ofenjoy- ment of Union and Communion withGod him felf, whichotherwife could not be. No other Creaturehath to do with infinitenefs, nor can have to do with it but men and Angel,, and upon that ground,becaufe Godhath made them of fuch a nature fo large that their Faculties fhouldbeof fo large a nature. Now hence it is that man being capable of the enjoyment of God in fucha gloriousmanner : Wehave thefe Expreíiions in Scripture, He that is fined to the Lord, is toespirit : i Cor. 6.17. Made one Spirit witbGod. Amoft ftrange expreflton that the foul ofa poor Creature should be madeone Spirit withGod, and yet foit is. And fo 7ohf 17. 2 í. we have twoor threenotableexprefl'ions, That they staybeallone1 as thou Fatherart in rare, and I in thee