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thee, and that they may be one in tes. Chrift prayes that theSaints maybe one in him, and in the Fa- ther, as theFather is in him, and he in the Fa- ther : fo they may be one with them. And Fey: 2, And tke glorywhich thougave men Zhave g iven ifer4 : t hat theymry Gee ene, even as re areone. Chrift bathgiven the Saints the fame glory God the Fathergave him. And towhat end? what I was the efle6t of that glory Chrifii gave to the Saints? It was that they may be onewith theFather andone rniththe Son. So that you fee mankind is capableof a wonderful neer Union with God; Oh confider this to raiteyour fpirits. You that look after fuch low things and think there is no higher good than to eat, anddrink, and tohave your pleafures in theFlefh : know that themea- neft and pooreft in theCongregation , areca- pable to receive that glory God gave his Son Chrift; that you may be one with God theFa- ther and theSon, as God the Father and the Son are one ; not every way : but know there is a likenefs, Chrift himfelf bath exprefc it. There fore you that have your hearts fo low, that mindnothingbut thefe things below,knòw that you have more noble things to mind if your hearts confider it. But here is the evil of Sin; Sin breaks theunion betweenGod and the foul; it feparatesbetweenGod andthe Soul, it keeps off God that infinite, eternal, glorious fountain of all good ; it keeps him off from you ; it makes you lofeGod, and all the good in God : By Sin youdepart from God, which is theCurte of theDamned at theday of Judgment, Depart front