Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding SinfnlnefT of Sin. 285 frommeyonCurfd: youhere, for theprefeut, in everyfin, dobegin tohave that dreadful Sen- tenceexecuted onyou : DepartfrommeyeCurled. Youdo it your felves while you live in finful wales, there is a real a&ual departing from God, and executing ofthat dreadful Sentence, Departyou Carfcd. ' You think there is little evil in fin ; but if you knew that God is an infinite Good, and then knew the Union you are capa- bleofwithGod, and then fee fin break thisUni- on ; this would :Hake you feefin the greatefte- vil in theworld. PfAAPAAWAAtP.PMAMPAt TtiplViVMOVViVtiiihMOMI4 CxAr. XXXIII: Tenthly, Sin kmoreagainft mansgood than on, fvrthat itfdirs upad inGod to come ,:àgainfd a Inner inway of Enmity. Enthly) The Evil of fin as againft our good, canfffs in this, .It, fursupdid inGod to come in way of Enmity againyft, aOmer and this is another manner :of bufinefs than to fuffer affietiod. , Amoftdr.èadfut4teeiOfficr-ip tuteweYiAve for ièrfe^24:28 ,» wittkccntrviy:tGatt `.l1zotiliralkeántrilryfuntoyou : Whattshat? tlll u7.y lrntiöus Attributes íhall . work againft pou, ,as 'ifGod,fhould fay; Is there any thing in rne can m ak.e:you4ixriferable?9ou E e fhall