285 T e Evil ofEvi :s,Or the bite it ? ifall my Power or Wirdorn can bring ev.l upon you, you fluall have it : I will walk contrary in all the working of my Attributes, and wait:s of my Providence. And a moll dread:All place we have, Tfaki, 24. i.. there God faith, The face ofthe L:,r.! s againft them that doevil Mark , the face of the Lord : What is Gods pace ? The manifenationofhim felf,and his glo- rious Attributes the face ofthe Lord is againft l them that do evil. Oh thit thou wouldef con- fader this thou that doti evil, whole confci.nce cannot hut tell thee thou doll evil know, the face ofGod is againflthee : and is this nothing to have the faceofGod again' thee ? The face ofGod is terrible in the world when he meets with a firmer ; one light of the face of God a- gaini a foul cannot but overwhelm the foul and finke it down to the bottomlefs Gulf of e- ternal defpair, ifGod hold him not by his migh- ty hand, there is fo much terror in it : and yet the Scripture faith, the face of God is againfl them that doevil. Another Text very remar- kable we have in the 2 Sam. 22. 27 . With the pure thouwiltfhero thy ilfpure, andwith the froward thou wiltfhen' thyfelf froward ; or unfavory : But it may be tranflated, With the perverfe thou wilt r raffle fothat thofe that be froward and perverfe, and will walk on ina finful way, God wraflies it out withthem; God puts forth his Power to wra- ile, and certainly ifGodwrafile with thee, he will lay thee upon thy back. It is a dreadful thingthat God thould ufe fuck a fpeech, that he will wrafile withman 5 for all men in fin, as I ¡hewed