Exceeding Sinfulnefs ofSin. (hewed before, they wrafile with God, as if they would have the day; God will have his will, and thou fualt have the fall ; thou wraft- lefr, and God wrafle : you know Wrafflers put forth all their fcrength againff one another, and know, God puts forth all his ftrength againfle- very firmer. And that I may bring it more full to your fences, confider this, From whence bath anyCreature power to bringevil upon thee, or to torment thee? Surely it bath fomwhat of God in it : as thus, Fire hathpower to torment theBodie, and it is only one fpark of God let out through thepower ofthat Creature, oí her- wife it had no :power. And again, another Creature, Swords and Weapons, theyhave po- wer to gafhand wound the Body ; whence have thefe Inftruments their power? it is but forne dropofGods power through thefe Infrruments. So oneDifeafe hathpower to torment one way, and another, another way; whence bath any Difeafe power to torment ? only there is Tome littleofGods power let out through that Dif eafe. Now ifall Creatures tormenting bath on- lypower through Gods letting but his power, then what adreadful thingwill itbe whenGods PowerThal be infinitely let out againfi theCrea ture? fo that take all Creatures in their feveral powers to torment, and put them all together, one Creature inone kind, and another in ano- ther, andput themall together, this would be great torture : Now all the Power of God is thefeveral powers ofall the Creatures put to ge:herin one, and infinitely more; and when E e 2 that