Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

288 The Evil of Evils, or the that comes againft the Creature, it muff needs make them miferable : its another manner of matter than af%li&ions, when all in God comes out againft the foul; and there is not any one finbut endangers this. " ``. , aG. , , & - 9 S?7 ,-:Ç tx ziazx ,`.".i ` "`o. °C `s'2i"tá CHAP. XXXI.V. XI. Sin it moreoppoFite tomansgood than afflit7ion, for thatfinmakeall the Creatures ofGod at enmity with afirmer. X I. Urther, in the next place, Theevil that fin hath beyond all the evil of Aflhi&ion is this : Thatfin, itdoth make allthe Creatures ofGod tobeat anenmitywitha (inner: I fay, fin puts a firmer in this condition, that all the Creatures ofGod are Enemies unto the fin- ner; they beall as theRoll ofGod that come out againít a firmer, ready armed with Gods wrath, readybent toexecute the wrathof God againft a fanner theCreatures of God are cal- led GodsHolt, not onlybecaufe theybe armed with Gods wrath, but becaufe there is inthem a propencity to deftroy thofe inners that fin a- gainft the Godoftheir Being. EveryCreature is ready and doth as it were cry to God, Oh Lord; when wilt thou give me conimifiion to take away fucka wret«h, Lord, fuch, a, oneh a filthy irromMINIMMIN