Exceeding Sinfnlne, fofSin. filthy, wretched Blafphemer, a Sabbathbreaker, a drunkard, and thou lived all this while, and haft been at peace, andyet they are ftill crying, Lord, (hall I go and take him away, and fend him to his own place? If thou couldeft hear it, all theCreatures in the world cry thus, and they be all defirous to fend thee to thy own place,and take thee away. My thinks when I fee a inner, I hear all the Creatures cry as he in the 2Sam. 16. 9. Abtfhai the fonofzerviah ; 4bfhai was one ofDavids Soldiers, when Shimei curied DHvid : Shall I go and cut offthis dead Dogs neck ? So he faith concerning shivaei, Let mego over I pray thee, and take ofhis head; why fhould this deadDog eurfe myLord ? So when thou artblafpheming God, the Creatures look upon thee withdif damn , and they rife againft thee, and all the Creatures fay, Oh this dead Dog, this wretched Creature, how long fhall he live toblafphere God ? fhall I cut off his head ? faall I go and fend him down to his own place ? It would ter- rifle thyheart ifthou fhouldeft hear everyCrea- ture crying toGod tobe thy Executioner from him.And certainly when Codgives commiffion, and God falls upon thee, everyCreature wil fal upon thee: Asyou read in the 2 Sam, 18. when 7oab fell upon Abfalem,prefently the tenmen fell uponhim, and flue himtoo, as loonas9ah gave the ffroke: So, as foon.as God gives the ftroke againfi the;nner, certainly all other Creatures be ready to fall upon the inner all() : fo that fin: brings a man to fuck a condition that all Crea tYures are at enmity with him; whereas t hen once 289