I Exceeding sinfulnef? of Sin. WW,t)AMPMWP9A0MAAA Viii`i(a4iriM441ffiaaViM CHAP. XXXV. X T T. Sin is a greater Evil to man than 41g7im becaufe it puts a manundo' the Curft ofGod. X i T. Ay furth et-,Itput' the Creature under the '.-iirli ofGod : it dothfeparate,the Creaturefarevil. Pfal.4.. It is laid, Godf"eparates the righteotur manfor hinfelf So fin fe- parates the Creature for evil, and makes him Anathema, accurred : For God in Deut 27,26. faith, cuifedii.' everyone that abidesnot in every thing that is written in the Law to do ìt; he is accurfed in all that he hath and doth : The Curie of God is againft him. And here obferve, fin doth not only deferve a Curie, that the Creature fhould be accurfed, but of its own nature it is a Curie, and makes the Creature accurfed in its own na- lure. As thus, you may fee theevil of fin by the excellency of Grace : ThusGrace cloth not only bring excellency upon the Creature, and bringsa bleffing, but of it felf it feparatesthe Creature for a bleffing,. For what is laolmefs but grace? theybe ufuallyexpreft for one and the fame ; nowwhat is Polinefs but the Confecra- ion of a thing for God ; fo that whenHolinefs comes into the heart, that is nothing elfe but that