Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

THE CONTENTS. Chap. sr Thefor;ner 'Ufe furiherprofecuted. Firff, .Againft thofethat haw ¡light thoughts of troubk lif Con fèìence, which arifetheitherfromgroß Igno>ance, or .4- theifin, or dejjerare(lighting ofGod. Secondly, Trouble- ofJonfcience is the beginning of eternal deaf Third- ly, Thofe that hiveflight thoughts of trouble of Confci- ence, cannever prife Chrift. Fourthly, Tborethat have flight thoughts oftrouble of Confcience now,(ball oneday alter their opinion. Fifthly, It werejuft withClod to let tholefinliunder the burden of Cofcience that haveflight thoughts of it now. Sixtly, Thofe that have flight thoughtsoftrouble of Confcience, thofe very thoughts do take away a chief reftraintfrom fin. Seventhly, Slight thoughtsof trouble of Confcienceforfin, are, i AMR', degree ofTlaj$hemy. z Anda degree towards theunpar- donablefin. 394 Chap. 5z Six Differences between Melancholly and of Confcience. Diff. i Ielanchol1y maybe in thofe that are moftgrofly ignorant but trouble of Con femmecomethwithforne enlightening. work Diff. z. lanchollyprevailson menbydegrees, but troubleofCon fciencemany timescomesfuddenly, as lightening. Diff. 3. rylelancholly tro,ible is exceeding confuted, but troubles cfConfciencearemore diiftinEf. Diff`.. 4. Ibe more 'MMe 1 ancholly anybath, the tellable.are they to bear outward affliEfion ; but the more trouble of Confcience, the more able to bear outward afjlAtions. Duff. 5. eMelancholly jutsa dulneßupon thefpirits ofmen, but troubleofCon- fcience forfin puts a mighty aEfiwity upon mensftririts. Diff. 6. Trouble ofConfcience cannot becured the xraies melanchollymay. 414 Chap53 .I3 Secondlli S "Efrom the vvhol Treatife,thew- ing that a man may be in a molt 'miferable condition, though he be delivered fromoutwardaffliE`tion. Firlf, If aman beprolperoaus by fan, if amanraifehimfelftoapro- fJero us conditionby anyfinful way, let fuchmen confider three things ; r What isgot byfin, it coft dear. 2 What isgot byfin isaccurfed to thee. 3 &hat ifgotby fn, mutt be