Exceeding Sinfulneft ofSin. 317 others have done you hurt; here is an objet% God givesyou leave to let out your revenge to the full upon; other men do youhurt, there- foreyou thinkyoumay let outrevenge, that is your wickednefs,for vengeance belongs to God; but findoth you hurt more than any man can, and in this God lets you have leave torevenge your felves upon fin. Revenge your (elves as much as youcan ; look upon it asmoil mifchie- vous. There be fome fuch fpiteful and reveng- ful men, revengeful and fpiteful difpofitions that have it lie tnouldring at theirhearts, be- caufe they cannot let it out upon objets, fo much as theywould ; now here is anobje& you may let it out as much as you can, to revenge your (elves, and to feek the ruine and deftrufti- onoffin; and to labor to ufe it as'hardlyas pof- fiblyyoucan : yea, it is made inScripture a fign of true Repentance to be willing to revenge ones felfupon fin, 2 Car. 7.11. when they had committed fin, what revenge root there, faith the Apoftle; they manifefted their repentance by revenge upon fin : follow thy fin with a deadly hatred ifthou wilt; thouhaft .a hateful difpofi- tiara againft others, follow Enwithas deadly a hatred as thou canfr. It was an Argument of Davids heartcleaving to Abfdom whenMoab was togo againft him, Vfe theyoug man kindly for my fake, faith he; this was anargument Davids heart was withhim : So when you would fain have fin tired kindly, gently , it is an argument your hearts are not fet againfl fin, fo much as they fhould : No, you íhould not fay, ufe fin kindly, Ii but