Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

gvii o Eivils3Or the but. roughlyand hardly tb the Prophet laid of one that came todeavoyhia, ufe him roughly whenhe comes at the door k towhen fin comes to the door, when temptations he feeking to have entrance, ufe them roughly at the door, and fay,Let the righteous finiteme, Oh that the Word might come as a two edged Sword tp flab and flaymy fin :, Oh that when I go to hear the Word, I might meet with fome hard thing a- gainft fin. Thus we fhould come when we come to theWord, and when finhath got a blow by the WordofGod, blefs God, and fay, bleffed be God, my fins this tray have gpt a blow ; this fin ofminethat bathdone me fo muchhurt, andfo pefteredme',and fohindredmy peace and coin- fort, bleffed beGod this day it bathgot ablow : thus we fbould do becaufe Sin, makes fo much againft our felves. And thus we have finithed the TwoFirft Heads ofSins being againft God, and againft our felyes. Now there be Fony more. VivvV,SIPV19VVVVVVVI.Pif TUE 4444001...ti,000441