Exceedin shefitime, of Sitc 31.9 H-t THIRD PART TREATISE,. CHAP. XL. Sin is oppofite toallGood) and therefore a greater evil than anyAffiglion, opened in five things : I Sin takeaway the Excellencyofall things : 2 It brings a Curfe uponall: 3 Sin is a burden to Heaven and Earth, and all Creatures : 4 Sin turn the greatefl Good into thegreatefi Evil: 5 Sin ( iflet alone ) wouldbring all things to confujion. 4,Hirdly, Sin is oppofite to all Wra 131. good in General. T (to 3f0 Sin is oppofite to God, and td, our !selves 5 and I fay in thé' third place It's againft all kind of Good) and therefore agreater evil than any afili6tion : Now for that there be five things tobeopened:only in thegenerai,take 1 i 2 this