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323 The Evil of Evils, or the this Pure Rule, Theremull needs be more evil in Sin than in any Afiûion, becaufe there is no other evil, but is oppofite to fome particular good ; an Affliction is oppofite to the particular good contrarie to that af$iftion : but Sin is op- pofite to everiegood ; not only is Sin oppofite to the contrarie vertue, but it is oppofite to e- verie good , fo Divinitie teacheth us; though Heathens in Moralitie teacheth, that one Sin is oppofite to the contrarie vertue, but Divinitie teacheth, that one Sin is oppofite to everie Ver- tue, and everie Good : which appears in Five things. FirD, Sinifoilsall Good, takesaway theBeauty and Excellencyofall Goodwhatfoever : It maybePaid of any thing that hath an Excellencie when Sin comes, as its PaidofReuben, Gen. 49.4. His Ex- cellency isgone, isdeparted,he¡hall not excel : there- fore Rom. 8.20. it is laid ( through the Sin of man) All Creatures befubjeci tovanity, the whöl world is put under vanitie through mans Sin. Now then it appears by that, that the Lulire, and Beautie, and Excellencie of Glorie of all things in this world, are fpoiled by the Sin of man, forall isput undervanitie bySin; andSin not only makes theheart vain, and fo is againfl our(elves, but all things in theworld is put un- der vanitie by Sin; the Excellencie of thyE-' Date, ofthyParts, theExcellencie ofanyCrea- ture thou doeft enjoy, all is fpoiled throughSin: therforeTit. 1.t 5. it is Paid, All things be unclean to the¡inner : faithhe,Tohim that isunclean, al things areunclean. This is the firf, Your Sin is oppofite toal Good,fpoils al Good. Se-