Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfu nefs' of Sin. 321 Secondlie, Sin brings aCurl uponall I ope- ned before how it puts manunder aCurfe ; but now lam to íhew how it brings aCurie upon the whol World, Gen. 3. Curfed(hall the Earth be for thy rake ; and fo by the fame reafon upon the whol World that thou haft to do withal : not only theSinner, butthroughmans fin the world is under a Curfe; and therefore it is amolt dan- gerous thing for any man or woman to feek af- ter happinefs in the thingsofthe world, when as the whol world is under a Curfe, and wilt thou feek thyhappinefs in that whichis under a a Curie ? no mervail though the Devil himfelf be called thegodofthis World ; why ? becaufe theworld is accurfed through the Sin of man : Sin brings a Curie upon the whol World. Thirdly, Sin k a burden toHeaven and Earth, to all Creatures : Rom. 8.2 2. The whol Creationgroans andtravels inpain to be delivered, and that through theSinofman. Now what is the evil of Sin, when it is foweightie, that it makes the whol frame ofHeavenand Earth to groan to bear the burdenofit ? It may be thy Sin is light to thy Soul, thoucarrieft it lightlie, but as light as it is to thee it is fuck a heavie burden to Heaven and 'Earth, and the whol Frame ofthe Creation, . that ifGod didnot hold it by his mightie Pow- er, it would make it not only hake, but fall down. Fourthly , Sin turns the greatefl Good into the greatefl Evil, therefore oppofite to all Good, As thus, Take the greateflgood ofman in pro- fperitie: the moreprofperitie thou haft, though a fruit I