Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

. . .. ,. .,. .. p i_. .., .... . The CONTE/s1 ir SA be cafi away, or thy foul is cafi away. Secondly, When tnen conte to bemore firiful by their profperity : explained in three (Particulars : t When pro erity h fuel for theirfin. 2 When it giver mes fther liberty tofin. 3 When ithardent ;On. 4z; CHAP. LIV. Life 3. If there be ro »such 'Evil infat theft t ightp mercy toget thepardon offut. 44s CHAP. LV. life 4, Ifthere befomuch mil infit, this jufi fie the firiElneß.and careof(ed.r 'Peopledgainfi fn. Two VireEtioni to thofe thatwake, confcienceoffn l fins. Fiat, Be even inyour wager, ftrul again ftallfin. Secondly, T r very yeilding in all Lawful things; CHAP. LVI. Ufe 5. If there be fo much(Evil inSin, hence then;" jufdified the dreadful thingsjiol in the Word a- ping fanners. 411: CHAP. LVII. Ufe 6. If there befi muchStîl in fin, it fhew the naiferable condition of thofe.avhofe hoarts and liver arefilkciooith f te. 40, CHAP. I.VIII. Life'. Iftherebefomuchei3vid:n n,botndreadfula tbtztc,,orraeer ettsdgbtitt fits. 46.3; C 6H'AP.