Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

M Exceeding Sinfnlneg o Sin. Becag lif let alone, it wouldbringall things toawfu- l: : Therfore it israid, by Chriftall things fub ils were it not forChriil who letshimfelf a- gainfl the evil of ,fin,al things would be brought toConfufon t Soh. 5.19.. The wholeworldlies in zvicl¿ednef: Jufi as a Carrion lies in. Clime and filth, andthere rots ; fo the whol worldwould be in the fame cafe that the Carrion is that lies in filth andbrought to confufion ; were it not that God hath his number of Elea, and they keep theworld from. confufion. Now put all thefe together, fin fpoils all, brings axCurfe up- on all, is a burthen to heaven and earth, turns thegreatef'r good to the greateft.evil,andwould bring all things toConfution if let alone : T his is the evil of fin in Oppofition to all good. There bebut Three more and they be, t To thew how fin istheevil of all evils whatfoever. 2' Hath a kind of infinitenefs in it And, 3 It bath Reference to the Devil : But thefe I can- not come to in this Chapter, but (hall in the fol- lowing to concludeall ; much you have read of the evil of fin, and`how, it is.above all;aflii- ¿lions; atili6tions are of a lower nature, Olt Brethren; This is that we fhould Peek - for.and prife, to injoy thofemeans, that may leffen fin, and-oppofewickednefs among , us : And of all others'thefe be the twogreat _means tocrufh fin, and bringdown, or.makeit lefs in all places; the great Ordinance of the Magifiraçy 1.. and the great Ordinance of the Miniflryá Now (as l toldyoubefore) Reproach hath come ,to our. Natioatliroughliu, and from whence. is,it fin, bath,