324 The Evil ofEvils, Or the bathgrown to that height it hath, but becaufe there hath beencorruption in both, great Cor- ruption in tvlagifiracy, and Minifiery, amongus. As we readof Danand Bethel, twoCalves let up there : Dan fignifieth 'judgement ; and Bethel; The houfe of God. So therewas great Corruption in Dan and Bethel places of Judgement Magi tiracy, and Bethel the houle of God in the Mi- niftry. Now it bath pleafedGodof late, to be- gin to bemerciful to us,thisway ; through that great Ordinance of good, he path, appointed for us, The Affembly of Parliament, topurge bothDanandBethel, Magiflracy, and Miniiiry,to cati out Corruption from places of Judgement, and theHoule of God. And as we are tobiefs God for this ; fo weare to further thisworkof theirs, andband by them to the utmoli that we are able in all good wayes thofe Worthies of God in that great Affembly for the fnifhingof that Work which they have begun : and that our fins and wickednefs may be done away, from amongus. And for that which bath been done, certainly Godhath receivedmuch praife, and we havecaufe tobeefs God for it And thofe that have gone on in a good way according"to what the LawBoth permit them they are tobe incouraged. And in a more efpecial manner, you that be the efpecial means of good to this Land, I mean in regardof Safety, andyour im- ployment; theMarriners,in whom much ofthe StrengthofthisNation consifis, for our Walls beWaterandWoodenWalls : Seas and Ships be theWallsof this Land, and thereforemuch',,