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Exceeding Srnfulne,fs' ofSin. of the Good, andof the Safety, andProfperity ofthis State depends upon thofe. And ifGod {tir up their hearts to the maintaïnance of their Proteffation, and Parliament, andLiberti es,and to let themfelves againít Popery and Superíti-' Lion, and to incourage the Parliament in their good way ; this is that we be to biefs God for, and incourage you in. We reade in judges 5. fe veral Tribes when the People of God were in ftraits, would not goup but hadmany .. excufes.: others did go to help in the Caufe of ,Gods 3udg. 5.14. See how manyexcufe themfelves, but efpecially in the 16. Verf. ¡Vby abodefi bou a- mong theSheepfolds, tohear the bleatings ofthe Flocks?, OhRuben faid, We mull not leave i-Teufeand Cattel, we mull not goout : AndGiliad abode beyond Jordan.; and Danabode inShips; force think Dan did not liveneer the Sea,but thought they ran toShips and abode there : And Afher continued by theSea íhore, and abode in his Breaches: He pleads thus, We muff continue our bufinefs, in makingFences, agaipít theSea; wehave manyBreaches, and we muík continue there and look toour bufinefs. But zebulon and Naph. tali they jeoparded their lives to the death in the high places of the field. Who be thofe twoanion and. Napbtali that werefull of cou rage and zeal, when others were full. of Pleas and would not venture their lives.? Whobe thefe that ventured their lives ? Thefe two were the efpeciäl Tribes of Marriners that were forward rather than others. That thefe wereMarriners appears Matt. 4. a 5. The Landof Kk Zebulonfi 325