._ ., .. The Evil of Evils, or the Zebulon andNephtali by th, way of the Sea beyond YQrdan,tlhefe that lived by the Sea. Others would not lair that lived by the Sea , but Zebnlon and Nephtali, thefe joparded their lives : Nowmark, God Teems to remember this : they did not jeopard themfelves in a good Caufe in vain God remembers it many hundred ,years after. WhenChrift comes, the-firft Tribes thatfeem to be inlightned were thefe; the people that fate in darknefs faw a great light, and to them that fate in the region and fbadowof death, light is fprung up : they fate indarknefs, a.companyof poor Marriners,exceeding ignorant oftheways of God ; and .Chrift conies fir{t to them, and brings light to them. It may be Godmight aim to thew Mercy to thefe Tribes the rather for this that they did in appearing inagood Gaufe, though itwerewith jeopardy to.themfelves, So goyou on, and in a good Caufe appear and ven- tureyour felves to affi,ft thefe Worthys of ours inwhom fomuchof our goodconf ifts,and God willremember this in Spiritual Mercies. Would youhave the means ofGracecontinued,and the means of Light come to them that fit indark- nefs ; if. you would have theblefling-of 2ebalon and Nephtali, then/be Zebulons and Nephtalies to goout whatfoever excufes others have, and leopard your felves for the good of this Cora:- ..44440/00.0.9144.444' T H E ,