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Exceeding Sinfidnef? o Sin. 044314.0431443.0106tettis 114 4144 14 00(034 .44.4444000 THE FOVRTH PART OF THIS TREATISE. 4 CHAP. XLI. That sin is the Evil andPoyfon ofall other Evils, fhero- ed infeveralParticulars : Firfr Its theilrengthof all Evils. Secondly, Its the fling of Afflidion. Thirdly, Its the Corpofall Evils) opened in Five Particulars. Fourthly, Sin is the Pamofall E- vils. Fifthly, the eternity of al1Evil comesfrom sin. M,,,jeSS:1-1ereare FOurThings, which except klem`"Tviii we be well infirated in, and know, IV we know nothing to Purpofe EN- cept we know God, and Sin, and chrifi,andEternity : Thefe are the Four great Things that you had need to bewell infiruered in Theknowledge of Sin I. have endeaArored to fet before you In this Argument I hav,e Kk 2 fheWe