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(hewed you the evil of fin aboveal aflii&ion.The: next thing l am to Opentoyou, is the Fourth General Head, Propounded in the Fifth Chapter. Fourthly, Therefore, that Sin i theEvil of all other Evils. It is the very pithof all other Evils; there's nothing that would be 1 carce worthy the name ofEvil, if Sin were notin ir. That it is the evil of all other evils, wiltappear in thefe Particu- lars : Firft, It is the firength of all other Evils. The firength, the prevailing ftrength that any evil hathagainft man, it is from Sin. There is noE- vil would have anyprevailing ftrength todous anyhurt were there not Sin in it. That is cer- tain, nothing inheaven, or earth, orhel,wöuld do anyof theChildrenof men any hurt, were it not for Sin, if there were not Sin to give it ftrength. The ftrengthof any evil that cando us any hurt, is from Sin. Let the evil be never fo final, yet if it come armed with the ftrength of the guilt of Sin, it is enough to undo any man orwomanin theworld. This is the Rea of thedifferenceof the power, the prevailing power, of any crois and atfii&ion in forne more than inothers; you `fhall have tome, that let there be but the leaft crois and afíii&ion upon them, it finks their hearts, they are not able to ftand under it , others that have a hundred timesmore upon them) theygo under it with