Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exc"::azng Sin H nefs of Sin. 329 joy : this is the cfpecial difference, one having the guiltof fin in the evil, and the other being delivered from it. It is aComparifon I remem- ber ofa learnedman, to exprefs thedifference ofaffli&ions ; Affli&ions are like water, and a little water upon amans fhoulder in a Leaden veffel, is a great deal heavier than much more water in a veffel of Leather or Wood; take a Leather Bucket filled with water, it is not fo heavie as a little water in a Leaden veffel 5 fo a little af$i&ionwhere there is much guilt of fin is abundantly more heavie than a great deal of affli6fion where there is not the guilt of fin. Hainan could not ffand before fuch a pettieCrofs as that Mordacai would not bowhis knee g being a wicked man, that Crofsbeing with fin, trou- bled himfore:: andAchitaphel when he was crof- fed inhis way could not bear it. TherforeBre- thren, ifyouwould bear aff-lieiions, this is your way 3 your wifdom is to labor to knowwhere- in the ffrength of' an affii&ion lies, if you would overcome it. As you know the Philiffims that defired to overcome sampfon, their great care was to knowwherein bis firength lay, if they could by Dalilahsmeans findout the flrength of Sashpfon, they thought they might eafilie over- comehim. So certainlie if you could but find out where the ffrengthofyour aff i&ions :lie, it is eafa then for you to have fears and difcluiets taken away: the reafonwhy fears and difquiets overcome you as they do, is, becaufe vt u find not out the ffrengthoffher ; ifthat werefound out andgotten away, you might quicklie over- come