33® The Evil of Evils, or the come atl'iietions, and theywouldbe light toyou. The prevailing trength ofall affli&ions is from lin : this is the firft thing to thew fin is the evil of all evils. Secondly, Not only the prevailing flrength, Rut the bitternef, the fling of Afigion, that-which makes it bitter to the Spirit, is fin; Sin makes it come like anArmed manwith power : Andbe- fides, Sin makes it inwardly gaul at the very heart, fling like a Serpent,astheA.poflle i Cori 5. 56. faithofdeath, The flingofDeath, kfin, faith theApoftle : fo that which he faithofdeath, . it is true ofall evils,- ofall affli&ions, that are but makers ofway to death; the fling ofa ficknefs, the fling ofthe lofs ofyour eflates, the flingof difcredit, the flingofimprifonment, the flingof all affliions, and that which makes them bitter to the foul is fin ? you h-'ve anotable place, Ter. 4. 18. Thy waies, and shy dairigs have irdeured theft things unto thee, the k thy roickedneß, b:caufe it k bitter, becaufe it reacheth- unto thy heart In the Greek it is, Thisk thywickednefs; and beca-ufe it is bitter it reacheth unto thyheart , that interprets the word : faith he, thywickednefs hath procured this, and the punifhment to thy wickednefs is bitter, and reacheth to thy heart, becaufe it comes as apunifhment ofthywickednefs, fo it comes tobe bitter, and reacheth to thy very heart. Oh when fin is in afflidion, it comes to theheart, and isvery bitter : were the guilt of fin taken away in any afflifion, the foul might beabletomake ufeofthatexpreflionof4gag in abetterway than he did, and come joyfullie