Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfulnefs' of Sin: 331 and cheerfullie to look upon anie affli&ion, and fay, The litt_erneffofdeath is pafß : So dothGod lay any afHi&ionupon me, or my familie,the bitter- nefs ofdeath is gone ; the bitternefs is gone, be- caufemy fin is gone : Sin is as it were the rotten Core in an Apple,or Fruit, it will make all the Fruit tobe bitter and rotten : And foafn, that is the rotten core, takeaway, cut out the rotten core, and then youwill not taft fo much bitter nefs in the Fruit : So ifSin, the rotten core be cut out affliction will not be fo bitter. This is the Second, ` Alrthe prevailing ftrength of aflli- fl'ion is from fin, and the bitternefs and anguifh offpirit inof i&ion, is fromfin. Thirdly, The Curfe ofall°evil is from fin (the ftrength of-all evil, the'bitternefs ofall evil, and the curieofall evil) 1-have fhewedbefore,Sin brings a Curfe upon our 1felves-, yea, how it bri'ngs,a Curie upon all good`. Now I am to Thewyouhow fin brings aCurie upon all evil ; it is that which makes the ailliaion tobe accur- fed We have a moil excellent Scripture for this, to thew thedifference between Gods'affli- aing of his people whom he hath pardoned, when fin is pardoned and removed; and Gods afflifting ofthewicked and ungodly, whofe fxi is yet .ipon them : a mort admirable Text-for this,and the differencebetween thefe two, that you may fee what adifference fin puts upon af- fimionwhen it is uponus 5 the Text is, Yer.24.q. compared' with terfe 9 ; Wehave before(in the Chapter) 'Gods °ex-preflion ofthe differing eftate ofrhis-people:by the bafket of good ,Figsÿ and