Te Evil of Evils, or the and evil Figs; thole that weregodlie,Iike good Figs, and the wicked by the evil Figs : Mark thedifferent dealing of God with both : both were in Captivitie, both good and evil, they mull both be delivered into the hand of their Enemies; but fee with what difference, verf. 5. like thegoodFigs,so wiíllacltnowledgthemwhom I have carriedawayCaptive into theLand oftheCaldeans for their good : Mark, theymull go into theLand of theCaldeans, but it mutt be for their good : faith Cod, though I doafi& them, yet becaufe I havepardoned them, let them know I aimat nothingbut their good. Thenhe fpeaks ofthe bad Figs, thewickedmen in Captivitie, verf. 9. Idodeliver them to be removed intoall Kingdoms ofthe Earthfor, their hurt : I will fend them, they thall go intoCaptivitie, but I intend them no good, it thall befor their hurt ; tobe a reproach, and a proverb, a tant and a curie inall places, whi- Ither I íhall deliver them. I befeech you keep this Text byyou, that which is raid ofthis par- ticular aft ution is trueofeverie aflliétion : when GodBothbringanyevil upon any wicked man orwoman, lookingupon them, faith he offuch as are in their fins, God certainly intends their hurt, he brings it for their hurt, even the fame É afiii&ion that befals onewhole fin is pardoned, ''and God intends for their good : fo the privi- led:gofgodlymen that have their fins pardoned throughChrift, how different that is from thea-' Rate ofwicked men that have the guilt of fin upon them : Sin is the eurfe ofall evils; ,I will deliver them for theirhurt that itmay be a curie to I .