Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding si utneßofSin. to thee. Now this Argument would enlarge it feif( but that I íludie brevitie) to thew how fin brings a Curfe upon everie of lilion, and what that is ; and that therebyweflail make it. appear, Sin is agreater evil than atlittion, be- caufe it brings a Curfe upon atliétion. I will but brieflyname what might more largely be mulled upon. t When there kfinand a f iaion, ,afflitlion comes out of Gods revengeforIn : God looks upon the guiltie Creature with indignation and wrath : Here'sawretch that hathbeen bold, thus to fn againft me, and now my hand than be upon him. And fo when the firmer is under Gods hand, Gàd'is fo far from looking upon himwith pitie andcompafion, that he looks upon him with indignation andwrath, asanEnemy to him whenhe looks upon the (inner that is got under him : and this is a fore evil, that whenGod,that is the Godof all mercy, and ofinfinite compafli- on, yet when he gets a wretched (inner under him, he thall'lookupon him in the depth of his af(liCtion,with indignation and wrath,asa loath- fom Creature, as loathing and abhorring this Creatureunder his wrath : he (hall be call out in his wrath, God calls out a Sinner and curfes him, when he looks upon him in fuch a`man- ner. 2 The Curfe of aflli&ions when it comes in fuch a manner in way offin is in this, Geri regards neither the time, nor the manner, or the tneaJitre oaf the affiefion : whether it be a time feafonable for theSinneror no, nor themanner, nor themean L 1 fire, 333