Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

334 The Evil o fEvils,or the Thir tra,f 23. ,ae mcsary. fure, whether it be Such as the (inner can bear; no, let that go, God minds not that. Indeed when God comes with his affliaing hand upon thofe to whom fin is pardoned, whom he looks upon in Chritl, he weighs out their of lic cions God comes, and with his Wifdomdoth order it, for thedue time and weighsit out for the due proportion, that there (hall not beone dramput into it, any further than their flrength canbear; he doth not tempt us beyond our ftrength, he Iaies not upon its what we cannot be able to bear; this is true ofhis People. But when God comes upon thofe that have the guilt of fin lying on them, he will come at that time that is moil unfeafonable for them, at the worfl time that can be : As thus, when a Hutband-man would cut a Tree, tomake it fruitful, he will obfervehis time, and lop his Tree in its feafon, perhaps about this * time ofthe year, and then it will grow up ; but ifhe mean to have it die he lops it about Midfummer, when the Tree bath fent forth his Sap, and then theTree dies. So God, when he comes to his Children with Milk-lions, he will come in a feafonable time, fuch a time to lop when lopping may make themmore fruitful : But when he afflicts wic- ked men, he cornes to them as to a Tree at Mid- fummer, when as they beflouri"thing, and then cuts them down, and then theyperith; God re- gards not the time and ieafon for their good when he comes in a way of aCurie for fin. And fo for themanner and meafnre of' Affli- ction : WhenGod cornes to his Children when fn