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Exceeding sinfulnef of Si:?. 335 fin is pardoned, God weighs it out : As a 1kilfu Phvfitian weighs out Phyfick, though that which the Patient takes, it may be is Poyfon in it felf, yet thePhyfitian will be Pure there (hall not beone dram too much, and there [hall be enoughmixt with it,that fhal be proportionable to weaken the ffrengthof that poyfon, that it (hall do nohurt, but good : but now if hegive poyfon to Vermine,he gives it without mixture) or weight, he never ftands weighing for them, let them eat and burfi themfelves, he will mix nohelp there : when he gives Poyfon to Ver- mine, tisto defiroy them. Soall Affietions that come to wicked men, when God comes upon them ina way ofa Curfe for fin, God gives it to them as we give Poyfon to Vermine to de Elroy them but the afliiCfions that come to Saints, when Sin is pardoned, God gives that which indeed in its ownNature is Poyfon, but it is fo weighedout, that there is not onedram too much, and fo mixedwith Ingredients ofthe mercie and goodnefs ofGod, as only it works good to them to work out corruption, and do them nohurt at all : Here's the difference ofaf- flirtions upon thofe wholefnsbe pardoned, and thofe who have guilt upon them. . Hearken to this;you that have the guilt offin, when any evil comes to you, for ought you know it comes as poy ton to VertnMe to kil you ; whereas ifyour hearts be humbledfor fin, and fin pardoned, if you be,under never fo much affliftion, it còtnes but as from a fkil. ful loving Phyfitian, that weighs out thePhyfck, to do the Patient good. L l 2 This