336 The Evil ofEvils, or the This ,isthe Second thing wherein the Curfe of atilt ion c nfiffs when it comes for fin. 3 The Curfe of fli.&ions when they come for Sin, is in this, That aliAf liCtionsthatcomemeer yforfin, they are but forerunners of the miferies of Hell itfelf; I fay they are the forerunners ofthe very torments ofHell : Let the affti&ionbe ne- ver fo little in it felf, yetit is the hafbenger and forerunner of thole dreadful eternal torments that thou muff bear; it is but a Meflenger from theLord, whatfoever they are: What doff thou feel them grievous and tedious for theprefent? Tomegrievous tedious diflemper, trouble or dif- eafe thouhaft; they arebut a tart of that bitter Cup full of wrath, and theydo butgive thee notice ofwhat dreadful things thou art to en- dure when time thall be no more. 4. Nay, theyarenot only forerunners to give notice ofwhat is like to be, But they be the verybe- ginnings ofthemiferies ofHell: every evil a wick- ed man loth fuffer, he may look upon it but as the beginningsofeverlafling torments, ifhedie fo, ifh' benot delivered from the guilt of fin, and this is that whichmakes it grievous : 'tisnot fomuch the pain thatlies upon a man for the prefent, as that he by thispainistold what he fhall have forever; it is as a fummonsofhim to bear the wrath of God eternally ; and this is that which is the beginning of that everlafling torment he (hall endure. Suppofe there were one tobe executed, and he were to die tome grievous and fearful death 5 well, it may be when the Tornyentrcomes-at firfi, hedoth but a lit-