eiPPPR.IP9111111=es Er ceding SinfnnefJ ofSin. a litife painhis hand, put his wrifl topain, tyes hishands, and tie crves out of thepain of his wrifi Alas ! what is this.? Doth hecry for this ? What is this but a preparation for thofe dread- ful torments that arenow about tobe executed ,upon him. Soall men and women in theguilt of Sin, when they have any aftli&ion, ficknefs, or trouble, I fay, fo long as they be in that eftate theymay look upon it but as thegirtingof their hands with the cords. A little pain they beput toby the ftri&nefs of the cord that binds them, but this is but to thebody,and fo prepares them to becafi out intoutter darknefs, as you know the Phrafè is, Take him that camewithout the 'weddinggarment, and bind himhand and foot andcart him intoutter darknefs. ThyAtlii&ions; bebut as bindings of thee, they arebut the be- ginnings of thofeeverlafingpains thouart like tohave : and that fhouldmake the leaft AfRi &i on of anyungodly manor woman in the world] exceedingdreadful to them; now I feel pain, but what is this but the beginningof forrows? lamnowa finking, but how far I thall fink, l doj not know. 5. Again, All Aflli&ionswhen theycome ina way of a Cuafe for sin, theybe Pent to ripnmewl , andwomen for delßriiaion, and therefore they harden their heartsandmake themoften file out .againfiGod. There is no affli&ion Pent in a way of a Curfe,' but loth ripen any man or woman for eternal. mifery. Oh confider this you that have been, under great AAiiliaions, it may be you are deli- vered from thepain, andyourhinkyour felves fafe : 337