Exceeding . sinfs re! of sin. for Righteouín-efs; this is their honor and glo- ry. As the Apoille (peaks in aTriumphing way Ibearabout withm° the M..r s ofthe Lord je(w.r : and he glories in it So forany man to be branded for Chrifì, he bears the marks of Jefus Chriff, though there bepain, there is no fhame. So in any Af ti &ion God fends, if there be no fin,there may be pain but no fhame: but when God comes upon men for fin, and by the very afili&ion God doth as it were point out the fin of man ; Oh ! then it is not only painful, but abundance of fhame and confut*on goes along with it. And therefore in that Test, er. 24.9. God faith, He would call themout fora reproach, and a. taunt, anda úy-word. For a reproach as well as trouble. The, =?ameof Afflictioncomes from Sin : This is the ii ourth i ping. Fifthly, The Eternityof all Evil comes from Sin : f remember I {hewed before, how Sin was a Principle of Eternal Evil; but this is in another regard. I fpeak not of Sin now, as than ; that was, as it is in its own nature, Sin it felf was a principal evil, and brought aneternalevil. But t}'us I fav here, Sin nuts an Eternity upon that prefent evil thou doff fuffer, if the guilt be not takenaway. No Creatures but only the Reafon- able Creatures, Men and Angels, be fubjeCt to any eternityofevil. What ever evil is upon any other Creature it cannot have that denominati- on of eternity ; but the evils upon-aa firmer may bave a denomination ofeternity upon them. For this, obferve thisone Note ( though it behigh as in Grace that is la it felf (I toldyou ) an'eter- nal 3"39