Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

34cc The Evil ofEvslr, cr the nal good, and brought eternal good : But fur- ther, Grace is not only in it felfa principleof e- ternal good,and brings eternal good, but Grace.; cloth make that very good that now we have, to have an eternity-upon it. It doth not onlypro- cure that hereafter it !hall have' eternity, but makesour prefent good tobeeternal, though it beconveyed in anotherway. As now, we have ;abundance of Comforts from Creatures, and ;GodsOrdinances s it is true, we !hall not have our Comforts conveied to us from Creatures,, Ordinances, but thofe that have Grace (hai have the fame comforts that now they have from the Creature,and theOrdinances, convey- ed immediatly from God, as from the fountain : that which thou now haft from Ciflerns and Conduitsof conyeyance, thou fhalt come to in- joy the fame fromGod immediatly, andreally, another way. So that noman or woman inAffil- &ion( ifgracious) need to be troubled for any thing. For this is a truemaxim in Divinity, A Chriflian may have many Croffes, but no Lofs. A Chriflian never loft any thing. Howcan that be ? AChriflian receives Good, in hufband,and wife, and Children, and eftate, and they have loffes in thefeas well as others. No,they be croft for the prefent, but never any Chriflian had any lofs : This we may (as acertain truth) affentto, never anygodly man or woman that had Sin pardo- ned, never hadafterthat time, any lofs. Grace (me thinks) fhould be very precious in your thoughts if this be true, ifI can make thisgoods if I fhouldcome and tel youMarriners, or Mer- chant