Exceeding Sinfulneß ofSin, 341 chant adventurers in dangerous Seas, well I will come and thew you what Courfe you thall take, andyou {hall never have lofs more; you would think this good News, Wit were nota fancy,and deceit, if you found it fo, youwouldaccount your time well fpent if youcould but find this to be true, though you heard nothing but this. Certainly I can tell you a way where you {hall never have lofs in tine World; the wayof god linefs. Get but Sinonce pardoned inChrifl, and you {hall never have any lofs. Suppofe - I had a Pipe that were laid into a fountainofwaterthat brought water to me; well,afterward this pipe is flopped , and there comes no more water through this pipe, but though this pipe be {top- ed, yet if I come to injoy the veryfountain, I have no lofts of Water, for I have it from the fountain, though the pipebe flopped yet l have the fame water I had before : So is is with a Chriflian that have any lofs in theCreature. For thus we are toknow, all Creatures be but as fo many Pipes cf conveyance of comfort, and good, fromGod the fountainof all good in the Creature, and he is pleafed with one kindof Pipe,to convey comfort from oneCreature, and from another another way, force have greater, and force fmaller Pipes, as God (hall miniser in his Wifdom andProvidence to hisServants. But now, one that is godly, though thepooreft man or woman in the world, hath an interefl in God himfeif, the fountainof all good: And there- fore if any Pipebe cut off and flopped, as. per- haps fucha time thou didli loofe a thoufand M m pound,