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The CONTENTS. CHAP. L.XVT. Life 16. Iftberebemoi-e.P.v l infin than inalo£lion, then when fin and ajftiffion meet they make a man moll miferab.e. o4. CHAP. LXVII. We 17. 'Being of Tep°ehenfion to fix fortsof People. Fitt}, It reprehends too fe that aremore afraidof.Af fliEtion than Sin. Eeèondly, It reprehendeth thole that are careful to keep themfelves from fin, but it's meerly forfear of aEfion. 'For i This may be without change ofWature. z 7byobedience isfor- ced. 3. Thou art not unbottomed, from thy felf. 4. Thou art not like tohold out. .Alto two .Anfwers toan Obiefion of thole that thinkthey avoid fin for fear of `Hell: r: Thy Senfitive part may be mofi upby fear; but yet thy I jattonalpart may e moil carriedagainflfan asfin. 2. Thofe that avoid finmeerly forfear, nevr come to love the Command that forbid . befin. 3. They arewillingly ignorant of manyfins. 4. Thofe that avoid fin, andnot out of fear; even when they fear, go will defiroy them; then theydefreCodmaybeglo'ified. S-: Thoje that avoid fin out offear, donotfee the excellencyofgoel- lineß, foas to be inamoredwith it. Ihirdly, It re- prehend" thofe that will fin to avoid afjliefion. Fourthly, It rebukesfuch, as whentheyare under af- fiit-hen, theybe r, oiefenfïbie of afi on than offin. Alfo there isfive `Difccv:rieswhether mens 40 ion orfin troieblethem. Fifthly, It reprehends¡bore that getout of aßiiUion by fnful couifes, and yet think they do well. S xthly, It reprehends thofe,, that af- ter-deliverance fromaffiion,can bteßthemfelves in, theirfin.r. 5 r 7 C zL T:HE.