Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

f...... .. .. 342 The Evil of Evils Or the pound; perhaps three or four thoufand pound ; therewas threeor fourPipes cut offfbut fail thou hafta God, andan intereit inhim, and there all is made up. And there is this art in godlinefs, and the skill, that frill thou maieft come and injoy that immediately,fromGod, and fuck that from the fountain,that thou dideil from thePipes. So that aChriflianmay loofe mtch of his eftate, or comfort in friends , fo as he4t {hall never receive it from them any more, but he goeth toGod and inj oyes it in God : So that that prefent good which he hadhere, he makes it all up in God. Thus Gracemakes that good and comfort you havehere now, aneternal good ; only the con- veyance is in another way, more immediately fromGod, and thereforee the tweeter and the fuller. So Siri puts aneternity, in every evil ; obferve fin doth not only deferve, that thou fhouldeft have eternal evil'befal thee hereafter ; but wh<atfoever evil thouhaft now, forrows, di- frreffes, anguifh, or troubles upon thee ; Sinwil make that forrow, and anguifh, and difirefs, to be Eternal ~ though not perhaps conveyed that way, by that channel, yet thou fhalt.have thatto be immediately let out throughGods warth and Juftice. All that evil that ever thoudideft bear here from any Creature; here perhaps thou haft a grievous difeafe; Oh ! it cloth (it may be) extreamly afli&, and torment thee; per- haps thou dieft; the strength of that evil is gone: but that torment upon thee by thedif- cafe was nothing elfe but the wrath of God. working through that channel and let out through