Exceeding Sinfulnefs ofSin. 31:3 through that; though now thou die, and the matter ofthe.difeafe be gone, yet when thou comeftr..o hell, there thou fhalt- meet with the fame grievous pain only in another way. That is Thewrathof God fhall let out thisevil im mediately, throughhis wrath, which was medi ately through the Creature before,and now it is immediately from himfelf. And this meditation rightly confidered, is enough to bringdown the proudef, foutef fïnneron theearth ; to Confi- der how the Wrath ofGod-is all that evil to a (inner that all the Creatures in Heaven and Earth are able to . convey, and much more. And thus you have this opened how Sin is the evil of all evils. WV.V=V131 M ,tn 2 THE 44044344441.44. 444244