Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

344 The Evil ofEvils, Or the ai! tit* ., ktItatA444445S THE FIFTH PART OF THIS TREATISE. CHAP. XLII. Sin bath a bindof Infaniteneß in it : Openad in Seven (Particulars. Finit, Becaulenothing leur anln¡.nit Towercan oWrcoine it. Secondly, Sinhic »a ndof infinitenzi3, fe beta it bath an infinitede ert in it, ex- preffedinThreeParticulars: r Thedejèrt of the iOj of an infiniteÇood. z It deferves to taut an infinite diflancebetween 3od:and thee. 3 It deferves infinite mifery. Thirdly, Sin bath a kind of infinite (Evil, becaufe there it required ìtn infinite (Price foma:'tie an .Attonementbetroeengod and 'Man. Fourthly, here isa kindof infinite (Evil in Sin, becauje we mull hate it infinitely. Fifthly, Sin isan infinite (Evil, becaufe it is the9Jnirverfal Caufe of all (Evil. Sixthly. The Scripturemake ufe of (Evil things, tofet out the ,vil of Sin. weventhly, There's an infinitenef3 in Sin, be- caufe the Scripturefet out Sin, bySin iife; f ¡KginFifth CJeneral Head thatmas ,fl 1 Propounded in the beginning: 14002, .w u this : Sin hath a &find of Inflnitenef ofEvil in it. Ir