Exceeding Sinfulnefi of Sin. 345 It is true, we mull acknowledg that nothing I but God can be properly faid to be infinite : There isnot an infìnitettefs in a llri& fenfe in fin, for then certainly all the MercyofGod, and all the Power ofGod, could never overcome it, if properly and abfolutely fin had an infinitenefs init; therefore I donot fay it is properly infi- nite. Well, but there isa kind of infinitenefs, it comes exceeding neer to infiniteneCs (ifwe may fo fpeak, though it is"fomwhatimproper to fay it comes veer, but we mutt fpeak fo as we can toour own apprehenfions, you {hall fee in theopening what I mean) As thus, There is a kind of infinitenefs of evil in fin beyond all bounds. Firl%, Becaufe there is nothing but infinite Power can overcomeit. Take the leaft fin that any man or woman lies under the power of nothing but the infinite PowerofCodcan overcome that fin: and this is the reafan that many that have had many conviErions ofconfcience ofthe evil offin, many refolutions agai'nfi fin , many Vcws and Covenants, and Promifes they have made a gainft fin: Oh when they are lick, now they fee theeviloffin, now they p: omiife ifGod will re- Pore them, they will never do the li1;e; and they fpeak from their hearts, they donet only dallie, but they do verily think theywill never come in companie more, and commit fin more becaufe it is fo evil : but when they be well, theybeunder die power offin as before, and al their refolutions and' expeìiences, and all their own firengtb andpower, and all the means they have,