Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

346 The Evil: of VÎIJ, Cr the have,are nothing,; though fin be opened to be never fo vile, and t hey be convinced thereof, yet al. comes to nothing. Certainly there is more dreadful evil in fin than we be aware of and. all the plealure and profit we have by fin can ne- ver countervail that evil that is in fin and this they fee, and thereforepromife and hope they Thal never commit Inch tins-again. Perhaps there bathbeen flach thoughts in your hearts, may be Cod hath had force beginnings to come in by his Power into your fouls : this is the way of Gods coming in to the hearts of mend wo- men, when he conies toconvince and give them Inch refolutions. But know, all thy refolutions, cannot overcome fin 5 perhaps you may forbear for theprefent, the aFs of fin a while may be reftrained 5 but nothingbut the infinite Power ofan infiniteGoa canovercome any one fin, any one luff, Sinfballnot haveDemnion over you,R°tn. 6.14. foryou are not under the Law, but under Ora% faith the HolyGhofl : as if he had laid, if you benot nowunder the Grace of the Gorpel, in which the infinit Power ofGod comes upon the foul todeliver them from theDominion of Sin, Sin would for ever have Dominion over you but fin thaIl not have .Dominion over you, be- caufe you be not under the Law, but under' Grace : ft is the Grace of the Gofpel through which this infinite Power of God comes upon your hearts,that keeps fin from having Domini- onover you. This is the fira, there is akindof Infinitenefs in it, becaufe nothing but the infi nite Power ofGod canovercome it. Secondly,