Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding inftt'nef o fSidi._. S Secondly, There is a kind OfInt.nitenefs ink, Becaufeit bath:an infinite d f rt, it doth deferve that which is:in,Tnite.: 1 ;here is an infinitedefert in it, therefore a kindofinfinitenefs in it. As thus, j the infinite defert ofSin, may be fet out in thefe three Particulars 1 The defert of thelcs ofan :nfnite Good, all the,E good inGod o By every fin thou doff deferve to bedeprived ofthat gdbd there is in .God; that defert comes upon thee, to lofe all thegood there is in the infinite God, not in this or that particular good, but in the Infinite God, and all the good in him. 2 EverySin dothmake an infinite breachbo- tweenGod and you; not only you do deferve to lofe all thegood in God, but itputsan infinit difrance betweenGod and thee. Abraham could fay to Dives when Lazarus was in his boron', there is a great gulph between you and us: I There is a great gulph between the Inner, and thofe.that are godly; but what a gulf is there between Godhimfelfand a firmer ? If there be fuck a gulfbetweenAbraham:and Dives, furerYa greater _. gulf;:between God himfelf, and .a In- ner; 3 The defert ofSin is Infinite, In regardofthe Infiniteneßofnrifery, andpain, andtortures thatfin de- f rvesphich becaufthey cannotpofblybe infinit inde- gree, foriit is impoffibleforafinite Creature tobear any onemoment, pains infinite indegree : But becaufeit deferves infinite torment, it muff therefore be infinite in time, becaufe it cannot be infinite in degree.: and fo iris infinite.,this way, in durati- on,